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Tailored, Centralized, & Complete Reporting for Firefighters

In fire safety and emergency response, data is one of your most valuable assets. With RedNMX™, you can manage all your reporting needs from a single, centralized platform that is customizable and comprehensive. This feature streamlines the process of generating, viewing, and distributing reports, making your job easier and more efficient.

Tailor reports to your specific needs, generate custom reports, visualize data through charts, and make data-driven decisions that enhance your operational efficiency and effectiveness. Our reporting suite has you covered from A-Z, enabling you to get the reports you need, when you need them, easily and in any format you require.

NFIRS 5.0 icon


Fire Incident Reporting (soon to be NERIS)

Effective NFIRS reporting is crucial for compliance and for enhancing operational insights, resource allocation, and overall emergency response capabilities.

We have simplified incident documentation, enabling you to report on the full range of your activities. From automation and hardware integration to customizable templates and custom fields, you have complete control of the information you want to include in your reports to satisfy state as well as local compliance requirements.

  • Manpower Tracking: Keep track of your personnel to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies, ensuring safety for your firefighters and the community.
  • Response Times: Measure how quickly your firefighters arrive at emergencies, which is vital for protecting people, property, and the environment.
  • NFPA Analysis: RedNMX™ uses NFPA standards to guide firefighters in safe practices, ensuring they operate at high standards for safety and efficiency.
  • Investigations: Document and analyze fire incidents thoroughly, improving safety measures and building trust with the public.
  • ePCR Compatibility: No need to overcomplicate EMS data collection. Collect only the data you need, and that’s it! With the NFIRS to NERIS transition approaching in December 2025, we have a standing every 2-week meeting with NERIS to fully understand the changes. We are adopting a phased approach to ensure a smooth and efficient transition for our customers, so they can achieve full NERIS compliance.

Fire Incident Reporting
NFIRS - Investigations
NFIRS - Investigations 2
NFIRS - Response Times
NFIRS - Response Times 2
NFIRS - Response Times 3

Outcome: Improved incident reporting and compliance with streamlined NFIRS to NERIS transition support.



Service Recognition

With over 30 years of experience, we have seen firsthand how Length of Service Award Programs (LOSAP) boost morale and well-being in fire departments. We understand the different reporting rules from state to state. RedNMX™ offers flexible solutions that help fire departments enhance the appeal and effectiveness of their Service Recognition Program.

  • Stipend: Track call attendance and create customized stipend reports to encourage firefighters to stay active and committed.
  • Pay-Per-Call: Our platform can be tailored to create a report to ensure firefighters are compensated for each emergency they respond to.
  • Retention Program: Track member involvement to retain experienced firefighters, including extra benefits tied to years of service, to strengthen loyalty.
  • Tax Benefits: Track and create custom reports related to tax benefits your members may be eligible for.
  • Duty Crew: Recognize team members who go beyond emergency response by including duty crew assignments and track hours spent at the station or on call.

Outcome: Support recruitment, retention, and morale.



Personnel icon


Keeping precise and current records of your firefighters, administrative staff, and others is crucial. With RedNMX™, you can quickly enter, access and manage comprehensive personnel details, including geographic, personal, medical, and department information in a centralized record.

  • Scheduling: Ensure enough firefighters are available for emergencies to use resources effectively and maintain readiness. Fully integrates with Aladtech and CrewSense.e and committed.
  • Attendance: Track duty status, hours worked, and ensure adequate staffing for quick and accountable emergency response.
  • Payroll: Seamlessly integrate with your payroll provider to manage work hours, overtime, and pay details to ensure accurate compensation and compliance with regulations.
  • Compliance & Certifications Tracking: Monitor adherence to regulations and track certifications to maintain safety, professionalism, and industry standards.
  • Kiosk System: Allows your members to record attendance for calls, drills, trainings and meetings. They can also clock in/clock out for duty crew shifts, and more.

Reporting Personnel Scheduling
Reporting Personnel Scheduling closeup
Reporting Personnel Scheduling 2
Reporting Personnel Payroll
Reporting Personnel Payroll 2
Reporting Personnel Attendance
Reporting Personnel Attendance Overview
Reporting Personnel Compliance Certification Tracking
Reporting Personnel Percentage

Outcome: Readiness, compliance, and professional development for effective emergency response.



Custom Reporting

Custom Reporting

Fire departments need specific tools for reporting that match their ways of working and main tasks. These tools must be made to gather and study different types of data effectively.

RedNMX™ is your personalized Central Report Hub for effortless access to crucial reports tailored to your needs. Simplify report generation across all operational areas and securely share them as needed. Use integrated charting tools to visualize data with Line Graphs, Pie Charts, and Bar Graphs. Concerns with insurance ratings and adherence to workplace safety standards? We’ve got you covered!

  •  ISO Ratings: Track and demonstrate your capabilities, equipment, training, and response times. Better ratings can lead to lower insurance costs for property owners in your community.
  • OSHA Compliance: Monitor and document compliance with OSHA regulations to maintain a safe working environment for your firefighters and avoid penalties.

Outcome: Smooth operations, enhanced regulatory compliance, and transparent accountability.



Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention

Teaching fire safety, conducting inspections, and enforcing fire codes can prevent many fires before they start. This proactive approach safeguards lives and property, reduces risks, and boosts overall safety.

RedNMX™ comes equipped with pre-loaded forms specific to your state and department. This eliminates the manual process of creating your own templates from scratch and makes it easier to sign, print, and email on site. On an iPad or other tablet, from the field you can easily log all necessary information related to fire prevention in one convenient place.

  • Inspections: Ensure buildings meet fire safety codes and spot potential hazards to prevent fires.
  • Investigations: Our integrated case management tool allows you to conduct, track and report on investigations related to incidents.
  • Occupancy: Track occupant, construction and building data to aid response efforts for your first responders.
  • Property Mapping: Give your firefighters the ability to plot property locations, access to crucial building layout details, access points, and hazards for better pre-incident planning and emergency response.
  • Location Trend Analysis: Identify high-risk areas by analyzing fire incident trends, allocate resources effectively, and target fire prevention efforts.
  • Violation Tracking: Log repeat offenders, enforce corrective actions, and maintain high safety standards to prevent fires caused by negligence.

Fire Prevention Property Mapping
Fire Prevention Violation Tracking
Fire Prevention Violation Tracking 2
Fire Prevention Occupancy
Fire Prevention Occupancy

Outcome: Reduced risk, enhanced safety, and emergency readiness optimization.



Grant & Funding icon

Grants & Funding

Through our partnerships with fire departments nationwide, we understand the critical role Grants and Funding play in acquiring and improving gear, training firefighters, maintaining stations, and conducting fire prevention programs.

RedNMX™ streamlines this process by organizing and tracking grant applications and funds, ensuring departments secure the resources essential for swift emergency response and safeguarding public safety.

  • Call Volumes: Keep a close watch on your call volumes to clearly demonstrate your funding requirements.
  • Fire Types: Document the types of fires you respond to, customizing your grant applications for specific needs.
  • Mutual/Automatic Aid: Team up seamlessly with neighboring departments to boost emergency readiness and keep communities safe.

Reporting Grant Call Volume
Reporting Grant File Types 1
Reporting Grant File Types 2
Reporting Grant File Types 3

Outcome: Secured funding ensures well-equipped firefighters, effective emergency responses, and community safety.



Asset Management

Asset Management

Effective asset management is vital to ensure readiness and efficiency in responding to emergencies. RedNMX™ plays a crucial role by centralizing and streamlining the management of equipment, vehicles, facilities, and other resources. It provides real-time insights into asset status, maintenance schedules, and deployment history, enabling proactive maintenance and optimal resource allocation.

  • Station Inventory: Keep tabs to ensure all gear and supplies are ready for action when needed most.
  • Value Tracking: Assess your investment in equipment and facilities to smartly plan budgets and upgrades.
  • Expiration Tracking: Stay on top of expiration dates for equipment, ensuring everything is safe and effective.
  • Historical Usage Tracking: Dive into past data to fine-tune maintenance schedules and optimize resource use.
  • Fuel Usage: Monitor fuel to keep costs in check and vehicles ready for rapid response.
  • Hydrants: Maintain records for fast water access and ensure they are always up to the task.
  • Automated Notifications: Keep your leadership up to date on any action items related to asset tracking.

Asset Management Station Inventory
Asset Management Station Inventory 1
Asset Management Station Inventory 2
Asset Management Hydrants
Reporting Asset Management Hydrants

Outcome: Optimized cost management, readiness improvement, and efficient resource utilization.



Maintenance icon


Regular upkeep ensures your vehicles and gear perform reliably when seconds count. RedNMX™’s mobile capability plays a key role by organizing maintenance schedules and tracking equipment status, making it easier for you to stay proactive. This helps extend the lifespan of your assets, minimize downtime, and focus more on protecting your community.

  • Truck Checks: Keep detailed logs of inspections to maintain your trucks’ readiness for action, preventing breakdowns when every second counts.
  • SCBA Checks: Monitor SCBA gear closely to confirm your team has reliable equipment for breathing in hazardous conditions, keeping them safe and effective on the front lines.
  • Hose Testing: Log and track hose tests to verify they deliver water effectively during fires, avoiding any failures that could hinder firefighting efforts.
  • Hydro Testing: Maintain records of regular hydrostatic tests to confirm your equipment can handle high pressures safely, ensuring reliability when it matters most.
  • Work Orders: Document every maintenance task meticulously to guarantee timely repairs and keep your gear in top shape with minimal oversight.
  • Break Fix Ticketing System: Prioritize and track repairs swiftly to restore equipment and facilities to full operation after any breakdowns or issues.
  • Maintenance Cost Tracking: Monitor maintenance expenses closely to effectively manage your budget, ensuring resources are allocated wisely and minimizing unexpected costs.
  • Automated Notifications: Keep your leadership up to date on any action items related to maintenance tracking.
  • Vendor Communication: Maintain close contact with vendors to promptly receive parts and services, minimizing downtime and supporting ongoing maintenance efforts.

Maintenance Cost Tracking
Maintenance Break Fix Ticketing System
Maintenance Cost Tracking
Maintenance Work Orders
maintenance hose testing
maintenance Hydrotesting
Maintenance SCBA Checks
Maintenance Truck Checks

Outcome: Reduced downtime, optimized equipment readiness, and efficient maintenance management.



Gear Up!

Explore how a partnership with Alpine Software and RedNMX™ brings seamless integration, automated processes, and customizable features to boost efficiency and response effectiveness.

Ignite change in your fire department operations. Book a demo today!