Fire Department Attendance
Accountability and Fraud
Amid concerns over attendance fraud in fire departments, this blog examines the vulnerabilities of traditional tracking methods and the need for more secure systems.
We explore the RedNMX Kiosk Module, an innovative solution designed to enhance transparency and security through biometric technologies and automated management. Discover how this cutting-edge system can transform your department’s operations and protect against fraud.
The Questions
How does your fire department track attendance?
Do they have a process in place? What is that process?
Can the process be easily exploited?
Are there controls in place to ensure that the attendance capturing process is carried out properly?
If your department was audited on how tax dollars are allocated to members based on call attendance, do you have a report or process to explain how?
Many departments are left to come up with their own attendance capturing method that works for their operations. The issue is that departments are more likely to go with a process that is easy rather than a process that has controls in place. This lack of controls opens up the department and your taxpayers to exploitation. If your local department is utilizing a sign in sheet (pen and paper), you may want to consider improving this process.
sheets are never a problem, until they are.

Lack of process can lead to audits, legal consequences (including indictments for fraud), and involvement of community officials, up to and including mayors and district attorneys, demanding accountability, and change.
Fire departments need a more secure, transparent, simple, and reliable method of tracking the participation and activities of personnel.
The RedNMX Kiosk module offers the solution.
The Solution: Kiosk Module
The Kiosk Module modernizes how attendance and activity are managed, recorded, and verified, providing a much-needed layer of security and reliability.
Key Features and Benefits:
- Biometric Verification for Enhanced Security: Through fingerprint and other biometric technologies, the Kiosk Module ensures that only actual attendees can record their presence, eliminating the risk of fraudulent entries.
- Automated Event Management Integration: With a full RedNMX records management suite integration, the Kiosk Module automates the attendance recording process from the dispatch to reporting. This ensures an accurate, transparent, traceable system.
- Increased Accountability: Departments can facilitate straightforward audits and provide instant access to historical attendance data.
- Comprehensive Management: The Kiosk module extends its functionality to include equipment tracking, maintenance scheduling, and detailed reporting.

So, the Question Remains:
How Does Your Department Track Attendance?
The trend of fraudulent attendance in emergency services demonstrates that solutions are needed to protect departments and implement proper procedures.
The Kiosk Module provides a secure and accurate approach. As departments embrace this technology, they eliminate risk of fraud and enhance trust and safety.
If your department’s current method of tracking attendance falls short, it’s time for action.
We invite department chiefs to reach out to us and learn how the Kiosk Module can simplify your process, revolutionize attendance tracking, and mitigate your risk.

Ready to Revolutionize Attendance Tracking
& Mitigate Risks?
& Mitigate Risks?
Join the 700+ Departments Trusting Alpine Software and our RedNMX Fire Management Platform for Attendance Tracking.
RedNMX Features include:
- NFIRS 5.0 Fire Incident Reporting
- Centralized Dispatch
- Inventory Management
- Personnel Management
- Non-Incident Event Management
- Mobile Application
More than 170,000 firefighter and EMS personnel rely on RedNMX™ to meet their mission critical needs. Join them today!